The passing of Quincy Jones on November 3rd, 2024, was mourned not only by individual fellow artists but by the entire music industry. First as a trumpeter and bandleader, later as a composer, arranger, conductor, and record producer, he enjoyed a stellar seven-decade career. He received 28 Grammy Awards, a Primetime Emmy Award, and a […]
Sean Combs: What Diddy do?
The scale of alleged crimes committed by Sean Combs, aka “P Diddy”, as alluded to in recent disclosures from the prosecutor in multiple sexual assault cases, is mind-boggling. Out of 3000 sex trafficking or sexual assault complaints against Combs, prosecutors have advanced 120 charges in which the plaintiffs are credible and the evidence is solid. […]
Snoopolympics: who let the Dogg out?
Every sports team has a mascot, so it seems entirely appropriate that Snoop Dogg was there for Team USA at so many events in this year’s Olympics in Paris. His evident lovability, on both a national and international level, makes him a natural ambassador. It’s all a bit mind-boggling when you review his life story. […]
Rupert Murdoch – “Dirty Digger” in love again
Although Rupert Murdoch built a world-wide media empire from scratch, he has seemingly remained, despite being a canny and ruthless businessman, a romantic at heart. As evidence, we need only note that the 93-year-old multi-billionaire has recently been married for the fifth time, to Elena Zhukova. Indeed, Murdoch’s horoscope is a fitting example for several […]
The Winter of Our Discontent…
These are difficult times for the Royal family. In January, King Charles and the Princess of Wales were both hospitalized within the same week. Charles was in for a prostate surgery, Kate for a major abdominal surgery that required several days of post-op monitoring. Her convalescence, it was cautioned, would take six to eight weeks. […]
King Charles: Exit, stage left?
It was no easy road to the throne of England for Charles. His mother Queen Elizabeth II held onto the royal scepter until she was on her death-bed at age 96. His life, laid bare by decades of tabloid coverage, and recapped in poignant detail in the Netflix series The Crown, evokes sympathy for a […]
Margot Robbie: pretty (smart) in pink
The movie Barbie continues to break box-office records, having recently topped The Dark Knight of the Batman series to become Warner Brothers biggest movie ever at the American box office, earning over $537M and counting… Needless to say, the Mattel group is also giddy with delight at the reception of the movie, with potential sequels, […]
Sinéad O’Connor: Nothing Compares 2 U
July 26th saw the passing of Sinéad O’Connor, the remarkable Irish singer with the incredible voice. She’d come on the scene in the late ’80s with a debut album that garnered some attention, and in the early ‘90s released a second album, I Do Not Want What I Have Not Got, which took her to […]
Profiles in Passion: Warren Beatty
Warren Beatty (30 March 1937 – ) is an American actor, producer, screenwriter and director. Strikingly handsome with a style that is self-consciously cool and opaque, he was the classic screen idol of his day. He has been nominated for 14 Oscars, including his performance in 1967 for Bonnie and Clyde. He won the Oscar […]
Tucker Carlson: paleo-conservative megaphone
Tucker Carlson, arguably the most influential voice in American media, has enjoyed a spectacular rise to pre-eminence as a spokesperson for an increasingly cynical and divisive political electorate. He’s been described as a “paleo-conservative,” expressing right-wing views that embrace nationalism, racism, sexism, and xenophobia. And yet his opinions merely reflect those of many conservative politicians, […]