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The world’s most interesting astrologer: sidereal

The world’s most interesting astrologer: sidereal clock

Alan Annand is a graduate of the American College of Vedic Astrology and the British Faculty of Astrological Studies. For a compilation of his writings (astrological techniques, in-depth celebrity profiles, and analysis of mundane events) see his book Stellar Astrology. He’s also a writer of crime fiction. His NEW AGE NOIR series (Scorpio Rising, Felonious Monk, Soma County) features astrologer/palmist Axel Crowe, whom one reviewer dubbed “Sherlock […]

The world’s most interesting astrologer: stellar a

The world’s most interesting astrologer: stellar advice

~~~ Alan Annand is a Canadian astrologer with diplomas from the American College of Vedic Astrology and the British Faculty of Astrological Studies.  For a compilation of his writings (astrological techniques, in-depth celebrity profiles, and analysis of mundane events) see his book Stellar Astrology.  He’s also a writer of crime fiction. His NEW AGE NOIR series (Scorpio Rising, Felonious Monk, Soma County) features astrologer/palmist Axel Crowe, […]