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The Tsarnaev Brothers and their malefics

The Tsarnaev Brothers and their malefics

The Tsarnaev Brothers Is there anything more problematic for an astrologer than a client or famous person without a birth time? The Tsarnaev brothers, perpetrators of the April 15th Boston Marathon bombings that killed three and injured 264 others, provide an ideal opportunity to analyze charts from the viewpoint of Chandralagna, a simple concept from […]

Bombs in Boston and Combust Mars

Bombs in Boston and Combust Mars

Bombs went off today at the finishing line of the annual Boston Marathon – at 2:50 PM EDT, 15 April 2013 in Boston, MA. In this sidereal chart, ascendant lord Sun and Mars are combust in the ninth house. These already-hot planets are further amplified in Aries where they’re respectively exalted/owners. They’re joined in the ninth by […]