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Length of ring finger predicts physical aggression...

Length of ring finger predicts physical aggression in men

Without pointing any fingers, a new study suggests a way to take the measure of tough characters. The research, done at the University of Alberta and announced Wednesday, found a connection between the length of the male index finger relative to the ring finger and the tendency to be aggressive. No such connection was found […]

Researchers finger top financial traders

Researchers finger top financial traders

WASHINGTON, (AFP) – A longer ring finger than an index finger denotes a more successful financial trader, British researchers said in a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Previous research found that the length ratio between the index finger and the ring finger, termed 2D:4D, is a measure of prenatal […]

Book release: STELLAR ASTROLOGY by Alan Annand

Book release: STELLAR ASTROLOGY by Alan Annand

STELLAR ASTROLOGY by Alan Annand: applications of jyotish (Vedic astrology). This is a compilation of essays on techniques, in-depth celebrity profiles, and analysis of mundane events. A highly informative reference work intended for serious students of astrology, it is written in a clear and lively style by an astrologer experienced in both western and Vedic systems. Available in […]

My Practice of Vedic Astrology

My Practice of Vedic Astrology

This article describing my consultation process first appeared under a slightly different title in the May 2014 edition of Jyotish Star. Thanks to Juliana Swanson for encouragement and guidance, and Christina Collins for publishing. Thanks also to my teachers, Hart DeFouw and his guru Mantrji, without whom I’d never have seen the light of the […]

Penis size and finger ratios

Penis size and finger ratios

Judging penis size by comparing index & ring fingers:  If your friends have ever questioned the value of your studying the esoteric arts, your moment of validation has arrived. Korean researchers have determined that, compared to the index finger, the longer the ring finger, the longer the penis. Several other scientific studies had previously already […]

ebook launch: Scorpio Rising

ebook launch: Scorpio Rising

As some of you know, aside from my “public” role as a Vedic astrologer, I’ve been a writer for many years. I’ve written articles on astrology and palmistry, had a couple of animation scripts produced, and published five novels under pseudonyms.  Although I’d always planned to keep on getting books published in the traditional way, […]

Palmistry and the Planets

Palmistry and the Planets

“About astrology and palmistry: they are good because they make people vivid and full of possibilities.  They are communism at its best.  Everybody has a birthday and almost everybody has a palm.”  ~ Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. In the western world, if you tell people you’re an astrologer, they’ll say, “Can you guess my sun sign?” In […]