Every sports team has a mascot, so it seems entirely appropriate that Snoop Dogg was there for Team USA at so many events in this year’s Olympics in Paris. His evident lovability, on both a national and international level, makes him a natural ambassador. It’s all a bit mind-boggling when you review his life story.
He had a checkered youth, during which he ran with the LA Crips and was in and out of prison for possession of guns and narcotics. For a couple of years, he was a self-declared pimp. He and his bodyguard were once charged with murder of a rival gang member, but with legal defense from OJ’s former lawyer Johnnie Cochrane, both were acquitted.
Snoop exploded onto the music scene in the early 1990s under the mentorship of rap legend Dr. Dre. His distinctive vocals and cool style captured the attention of both fans and critics, such that his 1993 debut album Doggystyle became an instant classic, one of the greatest hip-hop albums of all time.
Snoop is known for his love for cannabis, and has publicly advocated for its decriminalization. He even has his own line of marijuana-related products called Leafs by Snoop. Less well known is his extensive charity work. He founded the Snoop Youth Football League to provide opportunities for underprivileged youth. One year at Thanksgiving he gave away 3000 turkeys to residents of a low-income LA neighborhood. He continues to be a significant philanthropist, although often operating below-the-radar so as not to draw attention to himself.
Meanwhile, aside from his status among the West Coast gangsta-funk crowd, Snoop Dogg formed an unlikely bond with décor diva Martha Stewart. The Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party cooking show leveraged their banter and chemistry to make the show a hit, and cemented their oddball friendship.
Intentionally or not, Snoop is a trendsetter. Thanks to his laid-back yet stylish attire, he’s become a fashion icon, with several major brands releasing Snoop-inspired tracksuits. And yet superficial looks obscure a more profound man. Raised a Baptist, at various times in his life his spiritual quest has led him to embrace the Nation of Islam and the Rastafari movement, although in more recent times he refers to himself as a born-again Christian.

Snoop Dogg was born Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr on October 20, 1971, at 6:20 pm in Long Beach, California. His horoscope reveals an enviable catalog of powerhouse patterns.
An exalted Mars in the 10th house creates one of the esteemed Mahapurusha yogas, Ruchaka, symbolic of competition, leadership and management. Similarly, Venus in its own sign in the 7th house creates another Mahapurusha yoga, Malavya, a significator of the arts, culture and entertainment.
He has three Dharma-Karma Adhipati yogas, two of which rise to the level of Raja yogas. His 4th lord Moon associates with 5th lord Sun to form one Raja yoga. His 5th lord Sun associates with 7th lord Venus to form a DKA yoga. His 9th lord Jupiter is in mutual aspect with 10th lord Saturn across the 2nd/8th house axis to form the other Raja yoga.
Less obviously, lagnesh Mars associates with Rahu in the 10th house to form a nodal Raja yoga. Here, Mars functions as a trinal lord to combine with Rahu which acts as a proxy for its dispositor, kendra lord Saturn, to form an auspicious pairing. Aside from indicating an entrepreneurial career, this also suggests a fierce determination to succeed, never mind some acquaintance with violence.
He has two classic Dhana yogas. His 2nd lord Venus associates with 5th lord Sun to create the first wealth combination, while 9th lord Jupiter in mutual aspect with 11th lord Saturn creates the second. All of the yogas involving Venus, both DKA and Dhana, are strong by virtue of Venus occupying its own sign while free of combustion.
Snoop also has a bona fide Budhaditya yoga, wherein the Sun and Mercury are associated, while at the same time both aspect the lagna, and the Sun rules the 5th house of intellect. This indicates abilities in analysis and communication, essential skills for anyone engaged in business, public relations, etc.
Although the Sun is debilitated in Libra, its status is significantly improved by (a) its kendra position, (b) its association with its dispositor Venus, and (c) the role of Mars in his horoscope. The net effect is that the Sun achieves the status of Neechabhanga Raja yoga, analogous to a sword forged in fire and thus made more durable by the remediation it’s experienced.
Last but not least, a cluster of four visible grahas in his 7th house produces a Pravrajya yoga, one of whose attributes is spiritual quest, especially in one’s later years. Quite aside from that possibility, his populated 7th house also suggests a primary focus on relationships, public relations, and community outreach of every kind.
Snoop Dogg broke big in 1993 with the release of his album Doggystyle. He was running Saturn dasha, Venus bhukti. Saturn rules his 10th and 11th houses, is bright (retrograde) in his 2nd house, and participates in both a Raja yoga and a Dhana yoga with 9th lord Jupiter. Saturn also gives results for its nakshatra dispositor, the Moon, which forms Raja yoga. Bhukti lord Venus is strong in its own sign and stands at the center of four powerful yogas (Malavya, DKA, Dhana, Pravrajya). It also gives results for its nakshatra dispositor, Rahu, which forms Raja yoga with Mars.
In 2004 he signed with Geffen Records and released the album R&G (Rhythm & Gangsta), from which the song “Drop It Like It’s Hot” became Snoop’s first single to reach number one. He was then running Mercury-Mercury, activating his Budhaditya yoga. Mercury also gives results for its nakshatra lord, Rahu, again invoking that powerful nodal Raja yoga. In July 2007 he made history as the first artist to release a ringtone, and thus started a trend. At the time, he was running Mercury-Venus.
In the Fall of 2016, Snoop partnered with Martha Stewart for their Potluck Dinner Party show featuring games, recipes, and musical guests, a move that effectively re-branded him as a congenial TV host as opposed to merely a gangsta rapper. Viewers puzzled over the relationship between Martha and Snoop, but it only served to add to his already wide appeal. He was then running Mercury-Jupiter. Bhukti lord Jupiter in the nakshatra of Saturn brings forth results for both itself and Saturn, each paired with the other in a Raja and Dhana yoga.
In June 2021, Snoop joined Def Jam Recordings as its new Executive Creative and Strategic Consultant, a prestigious role positioning him to work with both the label’s executive team and its artist roster. At the time, he was running Ketu-Venus. During its dasha, Ketu is capable of delivering stellar results, since it acts as a proxy for Mars and Saturn which aspect it, and the Moon which disposes it by sign. Remarkably, all three are participants in Raja yogas.
Meanwhile, note the recurrence of Venus as a bhukti lord, which serves to remind us once again how influential his Venus is. Not only is it swa-rashi in the D-1 (rashi), but it’s also exalted in a kendra in both his D-9 (navamsha) and D-10 (dashamsha). Indeed, many of his career highlights have occurred under a Venus bhukti.
In a brief departure from that trend, note his most recent involvement in the Paris Olympics, which occurred during his Ketu-Rahu conjoined periods. During its periods, Rahu acts as a proxy for Mars with which it is associated, and Saturn which disposes it by sign. Again, both Mars and Saturn participate in Raja yogas.
Mars is dominant in this case because it is Snoop’s lagnesh exalted in the 10th house wherein it gains digbala. After his lifetime involvement in sports – as a dedicated fan (NBA, NFL, NHL), a certified football coach, and a sponsor of youth football for the underprivileged – how fitting that this period would see him selected as one of the torchbearers of the Olympic flame in Paris.
Fo shizzle my nizzle!
For a video discussion of this same topic, see my YouTube channel post.
Alan Annand is a Vedic astrologer, palmist and author. He’s a graduate of the British Faculty of Astrological Studies and was for many years their sole tutor for students in USA and Canada. After being introduced to jyotish, he was certified by the American College of Vedic Astrology, and went on to enjoy advanced instruction from Hart de Fouw. Aside from consulting and tutoring, he has long been a professional writer, straddling the corporate and creative worlds. His New Age Noir crime novels feature an astrologer protagonist whom one reviewer has dubbed “Sherlock Holmes with a horoscope.” His books on Vedic astrology – Kala Sarpa, Parivartana Yoga, and Stellar Astrology, Vols 1-4 – have been praised for the quality of their research and writing. His latest book – Kama Yoga: Love, Marriage & Sexuality in Jyotish – is a complete guide to personal relationships as seen through the lens of Vedic astrology.

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Books on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Alan-Annand/e/B0052MM0PO
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