The scale of alleged crimes committed by Sean Combs, aka “P Diddy”, as alluded to in recent disclosures from the prosecutor in multiple sexual assault cases, is mind-boggling. Out of 3000 sex trafficking or sexual assault complaints against Combs, prosecutors have advanced 120 charges in which the plaintiffs are credible and the evidence is solid. Included among those are 25 individuals who were minors when the alleged events occurred, and one who was only nine years old at the time!
This might well explain why, after Combs’s properties had been searched by the Department of Homeland Security in March 2024 to collect evidence, and he was subsequently arrested on September 16, 2024, the court denied his request for bail. With multiple charges hanging over his head, Combs was clearly a flight risk. Allegedly, he is now on suicide watch, which is understandable. Arguably, many celebs in Hollywood and the music industry would like to see him go the way of Jeffrey Epstein before his case comes to trial and their names start appearing in court transcripts.
This is a rags-to-riches tale, not only gone off the rails, but headed for the worst possible outcome. Combs went from an impoverished upbringing to the pinnacle of success in the music world, hitting a net worth of more than a billion dollars before the proverbial shit hit the fan.
The bane of astrologers is a public figure with no known birth time, which is the case with Combs. All we have is his birthdate – 04 November 1969 in Harlem, New York. Therefore, his horoscope requires rectification to make sense of his life.
I was initially intrigued by the graha yuddha between Jupiter and Venus in the 29th degree of Virgo, where Venus is almost parama neecha, ie, diametrically opposed its exaltation point of 27 Pisces. The symbolism is fairly obvious. Venus is the karaka for love and sex, while Jupiter is the karaka for dharma. In this case, Venus is doubly weakened by debilitation and planetary war. What could possibly go wrong? Sexual desire, unrestrained by any moral considerations, could become an obsessive indulgence. And that’s using nice language to allude to some pretty reprehensible behavior…
With this graha yuddha in mind, my first intuition was to rotate the horoscope in order to have those two benefics rule the 4th and 9th houses. What was my logic? The 4th and 9th houses are the domains of morality, one symbolically nurtured by the mother in the home (4th house), the other educated by the father/guru in society with its rules of order (9th house). So, if those two bhava lords – Jupiter and Venus – were at war, that might at one stroke explain the “moral breakdown” that could have allowed Combs to commit these alleged acts of sexual assault. Hence, I explored a Cancer lagna wherein Venus owned the 4th, while Jupiter owned the 9th. Via similar logic, I explored a Virgo lagna, wherein Jupiter owned the 4th, while Venus owned the 9th.
For various reasons – yogas in the natal horoscope, bhava vichara, and dasha/bhukti sequence – neither of those two ascendants appeared satisfactory to me. So, it was back to the drawing board. In such cases, I almost always adhere to the advice of Hart de Fouw’s guru Mantriji, who advocated putting my faith in the “ruling planets” technique espoused by Dr KS Krishnamurti in his famous paddhati, loosely referred to as the KP Method. Effectively, the astrologer generates a prashna at the appropriate time, and uses key planets within that chart as significators of the natal horoscope he hopes to rectify. In so doing, I arrived at a birth time of 05h30 for Sean Combs to produce this horoscope:

The Libra lagna immediately struck me as having relevance to Sean Combs’s life and career. Although he undoubtedly had a talent for creative musical expression, his greater talents may have been in the artistic collaborations and shrewd business deals that grew his empire. He was something of a fashionista and had a distinct taste for a life of pleasure and indulgence. Chitra nakshatra spans the last two padas of Virgo and the first two padas of Libra. In this speculative horoscope, both the lagna and its lord Venus fall within Chitra. Given Venus’s placement, debilitated in the 12th house, one stock interpretation suggests a public person with a great need for privacy, hence a tendency to utilize private clubs as a means of insulation from the general public.
Other themes of the nakshatra lagna are also evident in Combs’s life: Chitra demands privacy but wants to dazzle others; Chitra likes to organize people but also wants to control them; Chitra likes to play “sugar daddy” in order to keep others in his debt; Chitra loves photography and, by extension, videos (allegedly used as by Combs as a means to control others, inadvertently and subsequently used as evidence of his own crimes).
If we accept the raw potential for a Libra lagna, and are ready to move on with a closer analysis of that horoscope, let’s first note all of the graha avasthas: Sun debilitated, Moon dark, Mars exalted, Mercury in mixed condition with digbala and mild combustion, Jupiter in graha yuddha, Venus doubly weak (debilitated and graha yuddha), Saturn in mixed condition (debilitated, retrograde and digbala), Rahu and Ketu ordinary.
Next, let’s assess the yogas in this horoscope, noting several involving a strong Mars:
- * Ruchaka yoga with exalted Mars in the 4th house
- * Dharma-Karma Adhipati (DKA) yoga with 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Saturn in mutual aspect
- * Parivartana yoga with 7th lord Mars and 4th lord Saturn in sign exchange
- * Dhana yoga with 2th lord Mars and 5th lord Saturn in mutual aspect
Then there’s a handful of yogas involving the Sun:
- * Dhana yoga with 11th lord Sun and 5th lord Saturn in mutual aspect
- * Dhana yoga with 11th lord Sun and 9th lord Mercury associated
- * Budhaditya yoga with Sun and Mercury associated in the lagna
And then there are two other yogas of interest:
- * Parivartana yoga with lagnesh Venus and 12th lord Mercury in sign exchange
- * Shakata yoga with the Moon (not in a kendra) in the 12th away from Jupiter
There were several things I found satisfying about the planetary patterns in this horoscope:
- * Kshatriya grahas Sun and Mars in the kendras rationalize Combs’s command-and-control role in the music profession, not to mention a similar disposition in his personal affairs.
- * Ruchaka yoga and a DKA-5/7, both involving Mars, are sufficient to explain his career success, not to mention a certain thuggish notoriety vis-a-vis assault and weapons charges over the years.
- * Three Dhana yogas (one of which involves Mars as the money-magnet Yogi of this horoscope) indicate his very significant financial success.
- * The Parivartana yoga and mutual aspect of malefics Mars and Saturn involving his 7th house reflect his abusive treatment of others, especially intimate partners.
- * The Budhaditya yoga explains his acute business sensibility.
- * The Parivartana yoga between lagnesh Venus and 12th lord Mercury reflect his compulsions regarding sex, not to mention his resulting incarceration.
- * The Shakata yoga involving dark Moon and planetary war participant Jupiter explains his dramatic rise from impoverished beginnings to wealth and fame, followed by his equally dramatic plunge into scandal and infamy.
- * Last but not least, the prospect of a Viparita Raja yoga is denied. Although some might see the potential of two trik lords (6th lord Jupiter with 8th lord Venus) in the 12th as offering a get-out-of-jail-free card, this is not in the stars. Although the two benefics are free of influence from any other graha, neither enjoys any strength to empower such a yoga. In fact, just the opposite: both Jupiter and Venus are weakened by graha yuddha, while Venus is also debilitated. Case closed, and there will be no rescue from his self-created misery.
In terms of timelines illuminated by his dasha-bhukti sequence, consider these career highlights, especially in the context of his dashamsha (D10) which is based upon the rectified birth time (05h30) and shown below:

His album “No Way Out” put him on the map and launched his successful career in July 1997, when he was running Moon-Mars. In his rashi chart, the Moon is his 10th lord, while Mars is a powerful graha in multiple yogas. This was followed by two other successful albums – “Forever” in August 1999 and “The Saga Continues” in July 2001 – in Moon-Jupiter and Moon-Saturn periods, respectively.
In the D10, both the Moon and Mars occupy a kendra, where Mars is swa-rashi and thus remediates the Moon’s debility. In the other two bhuktis cited above, Jupiter is in a kendra, Saturn in a trikona, all positive houses.
Two other successful albums – “Press Play” in October 2006 and “Last Train to Paris” in December 2010 – were released in Mars-Mars and Mars-Mercury periods, respectively. Again, Mars dominates the D10 via its dignity and house position, whereas Mercury in a dusthana shows the first sign of slippage via a collaborative album.
His fifth solo effort “The Love Album” was released in September 2023 during Rahu-Mercury and received moderate critical and commercial feedback. With Rahu in the 12th, and Mercury in the 3rd of the D10 this is pretty much the lackluster results we’re led to expect in light of Seshadri Iyer’s methodology of amsha vichara.
Indeed, Rahu dasha spelled the beginning of a professional downturn for Combs. Although there were some bright spots, eg, his co-founding and launch of Revolt TV in October 2013, the era ushered in a lot of trouble for Combs. There was an aggravated assault charge in Rahu-Rahu (June 2015), the Cindy Ruela lawsuit in Rahu-Jupiter (May 2017), multiple sexual assault complaints throughout Rahu-Saturn, the critical Cassie Ventura lawsuit in Rahu-Mercury (late 2023), and more sexual assault allegations prompting the DHS raid on his properties in Rahu-Ketu (March 2024).
His arrest was carried out on September 16, 2024, at which time he was running Rahu-Ketu-Jupiter. See Rahu and Ketu in his D10, both in negative houses. Rahu in the D10 is destabilized by the aspect of an exalted Sun, which trumps any stabilizing influence from the aspect of a Jupiter impaired by planetary war. Ketu is even worse off in the D10, associated with the Sun and aspected by Saturn.
Meanwhile, that Jupiter/Venus graha yuddha continues to haunt his horoscope. His arrest and incarceration without bail took place under the antaradasha of Jupiter. And on the day of his arrest, transiting Venus returned exactly to its natal position to echo the very theme of that planetary war (lagnesh Venus clashing with Jupiter, lord of 6th house of litigation). And if we needed evidence from any other system of analysis, consider only the karakas of Jaimini, wherein Atmakaraka Venus is at war with Amatyakaraka Jupiter. When such personal behavior collides with career, this results in something akin to a railway derailment with a load of dangerous commodities; the train wreck is devastating, the collateral damage to the community, extensive.
If this horoscope stands the test of scrutiny, what’s the prognosis for Combs? Given the mass of evidence and testimony gathered on behalf of an extraordinary number of plaintiffs, the prosecution’s confidence in their case is palpable. It’s only logical to assume that Combs will go to trial next year. Rahu-Venus begins in February 2025.
Rahu will give results for three grahas – the aspecting dark Moon ruling his 10th house of public reputation, rashi dispositor and maraka Saturn aspecting his ascendant, and star-lord Jupiter in graha yuddha with lagnesh Venus. Meanwhile, Venus will give results for its nakshatra dispositor Mars, a powerful double maraka, and at the same time submit to its own karma as debilitated lagnesh in graha yuddha in the 12th house. Prison would seem inevitable, but does worse await him on the inside…?
For a video discussion of this same topic, see my YouTube channel POST.
Alan Annand is a Vedic astrologer, palmist and author. He’s a graduate of the British Faculty of Astrological Studies and was for many years their sole tutor for students in USA and Canada. After being introduced to jyotish, he was certified by the American College of Vedic Astrology, and went on to enjoy advanced instruction from Hart de Fouw. Aside from consulting and tutoring, he has long been a professional writer, straddling the corporate and creative worlds. His New Age Noir crime novels feature an astrologer protagonist whom one reviewer has dubbed “Sherlock Holmes with a horoscope.” His books on Vedic astrology – Kala Sarpa, Parivartana Yoga, and Stellar Astrology, Vols 1-4 – have been praised for the quality of their research and writing. His latest book – Kama Yoga: Love, Marriage & Sexuality in Jyotish – is a complete guide to personal relationships as seen through the lens of Vedic astrology.

Services on Website: http://www.navamsa.com
Lessons on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AlanAnnand
Books on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Alan-Annand/e/B0052MM0PO
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