Despite his significant personal and public appeal, Mitt Romney has never seemed to be in the right place at the right time to succeed in the penultimate ambition of many American politicians – Presidency of the USA. Although he enjoyed a full term (2003-2007) as the Governor of Massachusetts, he subsequently abandoned his 2007 run for Republican Presidential nominee in favor of John McCain. In 2011 he was successful in becoming the GOP’s nominee, but lost the general election to Barack Obama. In 2015 he was one of many contenders for Presidential nominee but, along with the rest of the Republican field, was pushed aside by upstart Donald Trump.
Although he subsequently won a Senate seat in Utah in 2018, his star had lost his luster. In 2020, Romney was the lone Republican who voted to convict Donald Trump in his first impeachment trial, and again voted to convict in Trump’s second trial in 2021. His moral position earned him the silent admiration of his colleagues and the vocal enmity of Maga-world. In 2023, Romney announced he would retire from the Senate when his term expires in 2025.
Romney’s horoscope offers a great example of the difference between static and dynamic analysis. Static analysis is when we look at a horoscope and identify all of its positives and negatives. These can arise from yogas, the strength of grahas and bhavas, and the disposition of various amshas. Dynamic analysis is when we look at the individual’s dashas and bhuktis to determine which of the horoscope’s yogas will be activated and when, and likewise with the amshas, and the consequences of it all. To invoke an analogy, kundali vichara is the study of the horoscope as a static snapshot, while dasha vichara is the study of the horoscope as a movie.

Romney’s chart offers all the essential requisites for a politician. He has four Dharma-Karma Adhipati yogas – lagnesh Venus combining once with Saturn as 9th lord, and again as 10th lord; Sun and Mercury as 4th and 5th lords, respectively, a true Raja yoga; and 7th lord Mars with 9th lord Mercury. Almost all of these grahas are strong – Sun and Mars with digbala, Mercury and Saturn retrograde. Only lagnesh Venus lacks dignity.
Worthy of note, both Kshatriya grahas Sun and Mars enjoy digbala in the 10th house. This command-and-control combination is ideal for anyone charged with administration in the context of government, industry or other large organizations.
Meanwhile, the Sun and Mercury also form Budhaditya yoga, a mark of intelligence and rational thought, something not to be taken for granted. Last but not least, the Moon and Jupiter in the 7th house form Kesari yoga, a great combination for anyone in sales, marketing, education or politics.

So, what went wrong? Since Romney’s birth time is listed to the minute, as 09h51 on 12 March 1947 in Detroit, Michigan, we can lean a little more heavily on the time-sensitive amshas. Shown below are his D9 (navamsha) and D10 (dashamsha) which reflect his general fortunes and professional life, respectively.
According to the body of rules laid down by the late Seshadri Iyer for the analysis of dashas and amshas, we should:
- * Assess the status of dasha (and bhukti) lords within the amshas that relate to the context in mind. In other words, for general karma and, specifically, primary relationships, we can look at the D9. For professional success, including political office, we should look at the D10.
- * Within each amsha, we judge the status of the dasha lord by (a) its house position, (b) its avasthas, and (c) its stability as influenced by benefics vs malefics.
Romney’s Venus dasha ran 1988-2008. During this period, he became Governor of Massachusetts but abandoned his attempt to become the GOP Presidential nominee. In the D1, Venus is ordinary in the 9th house, and in mutual aspect with Saturn to form two DKA yogas. In the D9, Venus is swa-rashi but occupies the negative 3rd house, a dusthana as fully problematic as the 6th, 8th, or 12th. In the D10, Venus is ordinary in the negative 12th house, albeit in mutual aspect with three benefics. Overall, this implies mixed prospects and results for Venus dasha.
His Sun dasha ran 2008-2014. During this period, he won the GOP nomination but lost the Presidential election to Barack Obama. In the D1, the Sun is strong in his 10th house. In the D9, his Sun is ordinary in the positive 4th house, although aspected by a strong Saturn without any support from a benefic. In the D10, his Sun is ordinary in the positive 9th house although afflicted by the nodal axis without benefic support. Again, overall, it represents a mixed period.
His Moon dasha runs 2014-2024. During this period, he failed to become the Presidential nominee and, in voting to impeach Trump, was rendered persona non grata by the GOP establishment. His political career terminates in lockstep with the dasha. In the D1, his Moon is debilitated and barely remediated by neechabhanga. And although it enjoys the company of Jupiter, it’s also afflicted by the nodal axis. In the D9, the Moon is in the negative 6th house, supported by an ordinary Jupiter but afflicted by a strong Mars. In the D10, his Moon is again in the 6th house and, although supported by three benefics, is afflicted by Saturn. Again, mixed reviews but tending toward the negative because of (a) the Moon’s natal debilitation, and (b) the Moon’s poor placement by house in both the D9 and D10.
Ironically, his Mars dasha holds out greater promise. Mars has digbala in the D1, is exalted in a positive/neutral house in the D9, and ordinary in a positive house in the D10. After leaving the Senate, he will land on his feet. Some 40 years ago, as CEO of Bain Capital he engineered a dramatic turnaround for the company, guiding it out of a financial crisis to become one of the biggest private equity investment firms in America. And 20 years ago, he was equally instrumental in rescuing the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics from financial fraud and jeopardy. Post-Senate, he could well end up on the board of one or more corporations.
Significantly, Romney’s moral stance, strengthened by his religious faith, has been resolute throughout his life. Ethics and morality are judged by the disposition of the 4th and 9th houses and their lords. Romney’s 4th lord is the Sun with digbala aspecting back into (and therefore protecting) his 4th house. His 9th house is occupied by lagnesh Venus, and aspected by 9th lord Saturn, again offering protection. Last but not least, dharma-karaka Jupiter associates with his Moon and aspects his lagna. All of the above reflect a man of integrity and principle.
History will hold him in high regard.
Alan Annand is a Vedic astrologer, palmist and author. He’s a graduate of the British Faculty of Astrological Studies and was for many years their sole tutor for students in USA and Canada. After being introduced to jyotish, he was certified by the American College of Vedic Astrology, and went on to enjoy advanced instruction from Hart de Fouw. Aside from consulting and tutoring, he has long been a professional writer, straddling the corporate and creative worlds. His New Age Noir crime novels feature an astrologer protagonist whom one reviewer has dubbed “Sherlock Holmes with a horoscope.” His books on Vedic astrology – Kala Sarpa, Parivartana Yoga, and Stellar Astrology, Vols 1-4 – have been praised for the quality of their research and writing. His latest book – Kama Yoga: Love, Marriage & Sexuality in Jyotish – is a complete guide to personal relationships as seen through the lens of Vedic astrology.

Services on Website: http://www.navamsa.com
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Books on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Alan-Annand/e/B0052MM0PO
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