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Tucker Carlson: paleo-conservative megaphone

Tucker Carlson: paleo-conservative megaphone

Tucker Carlson, arguably the most influential voice in American media, has enjoyed a spectacular rise to pre-eminence as a spokesperson for an increasingly cynical and divisive political electorate. He’s been described as a “paleo-conservative,” expressing right-wing views that embrace nationalism, racism, sexism, and xenophobia. And yet his opinions merely reflect those of many conservative politicians, […]

The Mathematics of Yogas, part 3: Budhaditya, Kesa...

The Mathematics of Yogas, part 3: Budhaditya, Kesari, Kujadosha

Budhaditya Yoga Budhaditya Yoga, deemed the signature of an intellect capable of analysis, communication and discrimination, is found frequently… Or less so, depending on our definition. The basic requirement is that the Sun and Mercury be in the same sign. Since Mercury is an “inferior” planet whose orbit lies within Earth’s, it is never more […]