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The Winter of Our Discontent…

The Winter of Our Discontent…

These are difficult times for the Royal family. In January, King Charles and the Princess of Wales were both hospitalized within the same week. Charles was in for a prostate surgery, Kate for a major abdominal surgery that required several days of post-op monitoring. Her convalescence, it was cautioned, would take six to eight weeks. […]

Love, Marriage & Sexuality through the eyes of Jyo

Love, Marriage & Sexuality through the eyes of Jyotisha

Weekend immersion, June 1-4, 2023, in Sedona, AZ Namasté, astrological community! We’re pleased and honored to offer a weekend intensive at the Shine Sanctuary on June 1-4, 2023, in Sedona, AZ. Over the course of the weekend, we’ll explore in great depth various relationship dynamics, including romantic bias, commitment phobia, marital prognosis, sexual tendencies, and […]

Jackie Collins: wild child does Hollywood

Jackie Collins: wild child does Hollywood

Although her sister Joan achieved fame first, Jackie Collins found her own path and ultimately worked her niche as romance novelist to achieve blockbuster status. Along the way, many of her highly popular novels, eg, The Stud, The Bitch, Hollywood Wives, and many more, were made into movies and TV series, for most of which […]

Jeff Bezos: Croesus of the internet age

Jeff Bezos: Croesus of the internet age

Long before the Covid-19 pandemic made shopping-by-Amazon a virtual necessity, Jeff Bezos had already built a mousetrap that brought the world beating a path to his door. Since the inception of in 1994 as an online marketplace for books, the company has since expanded in multiple directions, now selling virtually every kind of consumer […]

Nodal “weather forecast” Q4 2019

Nodal “weather forecast” Q4 2019

This is a continuation of my series on the “power levels” of the nodes. Readers interested in the attributed values governing the appearance of this graph are encouraged to read earlier posts in this series. The blue line represents the cumulative energy that Rahu carries on behalf of planets for whom it can act as […]