In this third excerpt, taken from Chapter 12 of SCORPIO RISING, we continue to follow the steps of astrologer Axel Crowe who, after 14 years of strict tutelage under his fierce Tantrik guru, is cast off to swim on his own. ~~~~~~~~~ Axel Crowe rode the streetcar from Queen Street West across the city to The […]
Britain on the Butcher’s Block?
No more hiding down the block when a bomb goes off. Now itâs up close and personal, with blood on their hands. And when the dirty work is done, the perpetrators explain themselves to witnesses. British soldier Lee Rigby was murdered last week, Wednesday May 22, 2013, in the Woolwich district of London. According to […]
The Tsarnaev Brothers and their malefics
The Tsarnaev Brothers Is there anything more problematic for an astrologer than a client or famous person without a birth time? The Tsarnaev brothers, perpetrators of the April 15th Boston Marathon bombings that killed three and injured 264 others, provide an ideal opportunity to analyze charts from the viewpoint of Chandralagna, a simple concept from […]
Boston: Out of the pressure cooker and into the fi...
After two bombs took their toll on the Boston Marathon, the heat is now on investigators to find those responsible. Can astrology provide clues? My earlier post suggested religious fanaticism as the prime motivation, due to the overwhelming influence of combust Mars and Ketu in the Aries ninth house. Pursuing that same line of thought, […]
Oscar Pistorius: Blade Running for his Life?
Life is full of mysteries. One of them is, How did a guy like this end up in a mess like that? Oscar Pistorius is affectionately known as the Blade Runner, thanks to the prosthetic âfeetâ with which heâs propelled himself into the athletic spotlight over the past decade, into the hearts of South Africans […]