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Nodal “weather” forecast: March 2019

Nodal “weather” forecast: March 2019

As I explained in my initial post for this series, I’m conducting an experiment in visual display to help people appreciate the role of the nodes as proxy agents. The nodes act on behalf of planets (1) with which they’re associated, (2) by which they’re aspected, (3) whose sidereal sign they occupy, and (4) whose […]

Nodal “weather” forecast: February 2019

Nodal “weather” forecast: February 2019

As I explained in my initial post for this series, I’m conducting an experiment in visual display to help people appreciate the role of the nodes as proxy agents. The nodes act on behalf of planets (1) with which they’re associated, (2) by which they’re aspected, (3) whose sidereal sign they occupy, and (4) whose […]

Nodal “weather” forecast: January 2019

Nodal “weather” forecast: January 2019

This is an experiment in visual display to help people appreciate the role of the nodes as proxy agents. The nodes act on behalf of planets (1) with which they’re associated, (2) by which they’re aspected, (3) whose sidereal sign they occupy, and (4) whose nakshatra they occupy, in descending order of effect. Although assigning […]

The Mathematics of Yogas, part 7: Spiritual Yogas

The Mathematics of Yogas, part 7: Spiritual Yogas

Although there are many spiritual yogas defined in the literature of Jyotish, in practice it is surprisingly difficult to find actual charts that meet those specifications. Take, for example, the three classic spiritual yogas defined in Mantreswara’s Phaladeepika (6:28): When the lord of the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon occupy an Angle or Trine […]