Ghislaine Maxwell, now under arrest and suicide watch, has fallen from the privileged perch she once held as alleged procurer of girls for the pleasure of powerful men. Maxwell is the long-time intimate of Jeffrey Epstein, who supposedly killed himself in jail last August awaiting sentencing for sexual abuse of multiple underage women. Maxwell and […]
Kala Sarpa “twins” Paul McCartney & Brian Wilson
By the mid-Sixties, The Beatles and the Beach Boys loomed large in pop music, one the leader of the British Invasion, the other the epitome of Californiaâs surfing culture. Ironically, each band was also the otherâs inspiration. Like so many other musicians, the Beach Boys were in awe of The Beatlesâ songwriting, and the Beatles […]
Alexander McQueen: lâenfant terrible of fashion
A fashion show by Alexander McQueen was never anything less than a spectacle. Whether it was just his innate sense of drama, or the perverse delight he took in shocking his audience of fashionistas, he pulled out all the stops. His half-naked models, their scarcely-concealed buttocks or breasts leaving little to the imagination, would stride […]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: the face of Americaâs
In the Vedic pantheon of deities, Venus is known as the Asuracharya, or guru to the demons. Judging by the invective heaped upon her by Republicans and conservative news media alike, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems nothing short of the anti-Christ. But maybe thatâs just the price you pay when you arrive on the battlefield announcing yourself […]
Nodal “weather” forecast: March 2019
As I explained in my initial post for this series, I’m conducting an experiment in visual display to help people appreciate the role of the nodes as proxy agents. The nodes act on behalf of planets (1) with which theyâre associated, (2) by which theyâre aspected, (3) whose sidereal sign they occupy, and (4) whose […]
Kala Sarpa: the astronomical rationale for âyoga
As I discussed in last monthâs article, one of the great uncertainties among devotees of jyotisha is whether Kala Sarpa is a yoga or a dosha. The existential question is: does it promise success or threaten destruction? As I explained in that article, there are multiple consequences when the chart is split in two by […]
Nodal “weather” forecast: February 2019
As I explained in my initial post for this series, I’m conducting an experiment in visual display to help people appreciate the role of the nodes as proxy agents. The nodes act on behalf of planets (1) with which theyâre associated, (2) by which theyâre aspected, (3) whose sidereal sign they occupy, and (4) whose […]
Kala Sarpa: the astronomical rationale for âdosh
At the core of the mystique surrounding Kala Sarpa is the existential question: is it a yoga, or is it a dosha? Does it promise success or threaten destruction? That question can only be answered via yoga vichara, the careful analysis of a configuration in order to determine its nature, its strength, and its ultimate […]
Nodal “weather” forecast: January 2019
This is an experiment in visual display to help people appreciate the role of the nodes as proxy agents. The nodes act on behalf of planets (1) with which theyâre associated, (2) by which theyâre aspected, (3) whose sidereal sign they occupy, and (4) whose nakshatra they occupy, in descending order of effect. Although assigning […]
The Mathematics of Yogas, part 7: Spiritual Yogas
Although there are many spiritual yogas defined in the literature of Jyotish, in practice it is surprisingly difficult to find actual charts that meet those specifications. Take, for example, the three classic spiritual yogas defined in Mantreswaraâs Phaladeepika (6:28): When the lord of the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon occupy an Angle or Trine […]